What are they?
A cataract is essentially a gradual clouding of the lens that eventually impairs vision. The resulting opaqueness of the lens causes light to scatter within the eye, instead of being focused precisely on the retina. In contrast, a healthy lens focuses light rays that pass through the pupil onto the retina. Some patients equate a cataract with looking through a foggy windshield of a car. Envision Eye Specialists is a world leader in cataract surgery and is the leader in Florida Cataract Surgeries.
Aging is the most common cause of cataracts. After the age of 40, eye changes can start to occur as normal proteins in the lens begin to break down. The eye’s inability to repair these proteins because of the normal aging process cause the lens to start clouding. On average, most people begin to experience some clouding of their lenses at about age 60. It may take several more years for the clouding to cause vision problems, however.

Cataracts related to aging usually develop slowly over time. However, cataracts can develop more rapidly due to contributing factors such as genetics, diseases such as diabetes and/or unprotected exposure to excessive ultraviolet rays. Doctors cannot forecast the pace of a cataract’s progression.
Wearing sunglasses that protect against ultraviolet light can slow down the progression of cataracts. A clear anti-UV coating can also be applied to you everyday eyeglasses.

Your Envision Eye Ophthalmologist will conduct a comprehensive eye exam to determine whether you have developed cataracts.
Cataract Exam:
The exam includes dilating your pupils with eye drops and using a special slit-lamp microscope so your eye doctor can more readily find any abnormalities. Besides your cornea, iris and lens, your doctor will also examine your retina and optic nerve and check for glaucoma.
Refraction and Visual
Acuity Test:
In addition to conducting a retinal exam, your doctor will test the sharpness and clarity of your vision, screening each eye individually.

Once your doctor has diagnosed you with cataracts, you can help slow the rate your vision deteriorates and manage the condition.
Return for an eye exam every year if you are 65 or older; or every two years, if you are younger.
Wear sunglasses that block at least 99 percent of ultraviolet rays and a hat.
Stop smoking if you are a smoker. Smoking accelerates the progression of declining vision associated with cataracts.
Use brighter lights for reading and other close vision activities. A magnifying glass can be helpful too.
Minimize night driving if night vision, halos or glare interfere with seeing.
Address other health problems such as diabetes that can also contribute to cataract progression.
Ensure your eyeglass or contact lens prescription properly corrects your vision by seeing a qualified ophthalmologist and regularly updating your prescription.
Consider having cataract surgery when your vision impedes your ability to engage in regular activities.

Cataracts related to aging usually develop slowly over time. However, cataracts can develop more rapidly due to contributing factors such as genetics, diseases such as diabetes and/or unprotected exposure to excessive ultraviolet rays. Doctors cannot forecast the pace of a cataract’s progression.
Close genetic relatives that have cataracts
Medical Conditions such as Diabetes
Eye injury, eye surgery or radiation treatments on your upper body
Excessive sun exposure without proper eye protection

Cataracts are a very common condition that can cause people to lose their vision. Fortunately, they are very treatable with cataract surgery. You and your Envision Eye Specialists surgeon can decide whether and when cataract surgery is right for you
Cataract surgery is not necessary if your cataract symptoms are not interfering with your regular activities. An updated eyeglass prescription may enable you to see adequately. As a cataract progresses, your vision may become blurry, hazy, and with diminished colors.
Cataract surgery, however, is the only way to remove cataracts. Despite false claims, eye drops or other treatments cannot dissolve or remove cataracts. Besides being a waste of money, such products can potentially damage your eyes; do not use them.